Reusable Code in OmniScript - Lightning Web Components
Lightning Web Components are great for breaking down layouts and interfaces into small, reusable pieces. Step 1: Create Lightning Web Component BaseComponent is via a BaseComponent folder in the standard LWC folder of a SFDX project. Export and Import Inside baseComponent.js, we can define reusable functions and export them for use in other components. In the example below, I define a function called convertToArray and export it BaseComponent import { LightningElement } from 'lwc' ; import { OmniscriptBaseMixin } from 'vlocity_cmt/omniscriptBaseMixin' ; export default class BaseComponent extends OmniscriptBaseMixin ( LightningElement ) { } export function convertToArray ( obj ) { if ( obj instanceof Array ) { return obj ; } else { return [ obj ]; } } Child Component import { LightningElement , api , track } from 'lwc' ; import { OmniscriptBaseMixin } from 'vlocity_cmt/omniscriptBaseMixin' ; ...