Communicating between Independent LWC in Omniscript
This is a simple example that shows a button that, when clicked, publishes a message.
This shows how two separate custom LWCs can communicate with each other inside of an OmniScript.
Below is the overall design using the Pub/Sub model.
So, lets get started!
Step 1: Create a LWC component and use below code to fire events with parameters to pass an omniscript and component to Community Page. Below is the HTML and JS code for reference.
<lightning-button label="Send Event" onclick={handleClick}></lightning-button>
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import pubsub from 'vlocity_ins/pubsub';
export default class SampleLWCComponent extends LightningElement {
let accId = '0015g00000gWY8VAAW';"handlePubSubEventChange", "result", {"accId":accId});
Step 2: Create another LWC component and include it in OmniScript. This LWC component will handle events from the Independent LWC component. Below is the code screenshot for reference.
import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';
import { OmniscriptBaseMixin } from 'vlocity_ins/omniscriptBaseMixin';
import pubsub from 'vlocity_ins/pubsub';
export default class OSChildLWCComponent extends OmniscriptBaseMixin(LightningElement) {
connectedCallback() {
pubsub.register('handlePubSubEventChange', {
result: this.handlePubSubChange.bind(this),
//call VIP to get acc data and pass to OS data json
callVipForData(accId) {
let params = {
sClassName: 'vlocity_ins.IntegrationProcedureService',
sMethodName: 'sample_getAccountDetails',
input: {
AccountId : accId
options: '{}'
this.omniRemoteCall(params, true).then((response) => {
this.omniApplyCallResp({ 'Id': response.result.IPResult.Account[0].Id });
this.omniApplyCallResp({ 'Name': response.result.IPResult.Account[0].Name });
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